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Aquatic Integration

As a psychologist, artist, and body worker, I am presently certifying in Aquatic Integration (AI), a clinically and holistically oriented water therapy.  Because of its ecological, integrative capacity to wed art and science, I believe that it offers deep healing for body-mind-soul.  Viewing the body as a landscape rather than as afflicted by pathology, AI is reframing clinical praxis to encompass this expansive notion of healing that, when catalyzed, produces ripple effects within the complexity of our human bodies.  The embryonic temperature of the healing waters carries these shifts forward in ways holy and inexplicable, providing the space for divine mystery interwoven with healing practicum.  Mary Fullwood, PhD, MFA, CMT intends to complete her AI Certification Fall, 2013.

Aquatic Integration







805-528-7640 Eco.Shift@att.net

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